Welcome to
Frühstückstreff London
We’re a group of friends, young people and the young at heart, who meet for breakfast on Sundays in several cities throughout Germany. Frühstückstreff is a great way to meet new people, especially if you’re new in town. Of course, when we travel abroad, we export the breakfast network idea and meet with people in the cities we visit. If you live in London, and if you would like to help us make this a regular event in your city, please contact us by e-mail.
The international Frühstückstreff Team will assist you in planning and promoting these events. We show you how it works and we will help you find new members for upcoming Frühstückstreff events in London.
Let’s have fun ...
Redaktion Frühstückstreff
Klaus Schultheis (0 61 51) 59 42 12